Parking Restrictions: How to Request Changes

Parking restrictions are essential for maintaining smooth traffic flow, ensuring residents have equitable access to parking, and facilitating customer turnover for local businesses. The Parking Management Plan (PMP) provides the framework for managing parking efficiently within the Town. Key aims of the PMP include:

  1. Boosting local business activity by increasing parking turnover.
  2. Alleviating local traffic congestion and improving the attractiveness of urban spaces.
  3. Encouraging a shift in travel behaviour towards more sustainable options, such as public transport, walking, and cycling.
  4. Making more effective use of available land for community advantages.

Possible reasons for a request 

  • Increasing accessibility – The first response will always be officer attendance, assessment, education and/or enforcement. Please request officer attendance here. During officer attendance, officers will provide comments on parking in the area to inform on the feasibility of implementing the requested changes.
  • Safety-related – This request is intended for issues where parking behaviour poses a risk to pedestrian, cyclist or vehicle safety. Common safety concerns include:

    • Obstructed visibility: Vehicles parked in areas that block sightlines at intersections, pedestrian crossings or driveways, potentially increasing the risk of accidents.

    • Blocking access for emergency vehicles: Instances where parked vehicles impede access for emergency services, potentially delaying critical response times.

    • Unsafe pedestrian access: Vehicles parked in ways that obstruct sidewalks, crosswalks or paths, forcing pedestrians to walk on the road.

    • Reduced traffic flow: Parking that restricts the flow of traffic on narrow streets, potentially creating bottlenecks or unsafe driving conditions. 

When submitting a safety-related request, please provide as much detail as possible (e.g., specific locations, times of day or patterns of unsafe parking behaviour). This information will help the Town assess the situation accurately and determine if immediate action or further investigation is needed.

Types of Requests:

  • Introducing new parking restrictions. 
  • Modifying existing restrictions in local streets. 

Parking Change Request - Process Map

Parking Changes Procedure

Submitting Your Request

To propose modifications to existing parking conditions, please fill out the online Parking Restriction Change Request Form. Along with the form, remember to attach all necessary supporting documentation.

See Initiating a Parking Restriction Review: Key Methods 

Post-submission Process

Once you've submitted your request, Town officers will review it, potentially consulting with external experts. If the review indicates a need for changes, we'll draft a proposal and share it with all affected residents for their input. 

Where Community Feedback is Necessary

Before making any changes, our officers will reach out to all rateable properties, informing them about the proposed modifications and collecting feedback. While community input is invaluable, it isn't the sole deciding factor. For feedback to be accepted for consideration, the following must be met: 

  • Responses from at least 40% of contacted residents. 
  • Support for the proposed changes from 51% or more of the respondents.

Where Community Feedback isn't Required

In certain scenarios, Town officers may introduce or modify parking restrictions without community input. Such situations include addressing safety concerns, providing disability parking, ensuring efficient traffic turnover or when parking occupancy surpasses 85%. In these cases, once a decision has been made, we'll promptly inform all impacted parties. 

Timeline for Approval

Typically, the review and consultation process for changing parking restrictions takes between three (3) and six (6) months, involving stakeholder engagement and a report to Council for endorsement. The timeline also varies based on the complexity of the request and area to which the request pertains. We prioritise requests based on factors like safety, parking pressure and the order in which they were received. As a result, some requests might remain on the waiting list for extended periods. Nonetheless, we'll keep you updated about the expected review timeline for your request. 

Post-implementation Review

After making changes to parking restrictions, we aim to carry out a follow-up occupancy review twelve (12) months after the implementation of a parking restriction change. This is to gauge the effectiveness of our decisions, which, take into consideration seasonal variations in parking. Should the follow-up review find parking is still outside the desired range, further changes will be implemented as per the Parking Management Plan (PMP). 


Parking Management Plan Schedule (PMP) 

Numerous actions have been identified and included in the PMP, including parking restriction reviews. These shall be conducted as per the schedule and must be included in the annual budgeting process to ensure adequate resource planning. Ad-hoc requests are addressed subject to resourcing and budget constraints.

Parking Management Plan

Direct Contact with the Town

  • Residents or businesses can directly contact the Town, typically via email or phone, for safety concerns. 
  • They need to fill out the online Parking Restriction Change Request Form and provide specific details about their parking issue, including timing and frequency. 
  • Safety-related concerns are addressed by the Town’s internal Parking Work Group (PWG), which includes experts from various internal teams. This group reviews parking requests on an ad-hoc basis and aims to provide feedback within three months. 
  • Some requests might seek exceptions based on unique situations. While these can be considered, residents must also accept the constraints of living in an inner-city suburb so close to the CBD, where parking is a high-value, high-demand resource with often limited scope to increase.

High Volume of Requests (Service Requests) 

The Town checks its Customer Relation Management System (CRMS) database annually. If fifteen (15) or more independent requests for a specific location/issue are found within a year, the Town initiates a review for improved parking management.  

 Online Form - Contact us » Town of Victoria Park

Prior Reviews

Due to the high demand on the Town's resources:

  • Areas reviewed in the past 12 months won't be reassessed unless previously advised. 
  • Areas assessed in the past 2 years won't be reconsidered unless a prior recommendation exists or there's a scheduling gap. 

Remember, not all concerns are handled by the PWG. If a request falls within standard enforcement and isn't safety-related, an officer will address it directly without PWG assessment. 

Please complete all sections of this application form and submit it with supporting documentation to the Town of Victoria Park

You must provide your full name, residential address, contact number and email address for your application to be assessed. PO Box addresses are not accepted.


Navigate through the different form sections using the navigation on the left, or use the next/previous buttons located at the bottom of each step.

Save Your Progress

You have the ability to save this form and complete it at a later date. An email will be generated and sent to the specified address.

Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 2 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.

Applicant details

Site location

How often does this issue happen?*
At what time of the day does this usually occur?*
Is this parking issue experienced by other residents/businesses and would they provide support to your request?*

Current parking restriction

What is the current parking restriction?*
What parking restriction would you like to propose?*

Other information to support your request

It would be immensely helpful if you could provide photos that depict the issue at hand. If the problem persists over time, please share a series of photos to demonstrate its recurrence.

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