Election signage

Election signage encompasses any sign, poster, banner or similar material aimed at encouraging support for a specific political candidate, party, referendum or issue in federal, state or local elections. This includes promotional materials used by candidates, political parties or advocacy groups during election periods.

Applicants wishing to install election signage must comply with the following applicable standards:

  1. The advertisement is erected or installed in connection with an election, referendum or other poll conducted under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth), the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 (Cth), the Electoral Act 1907 the Local Government Act 1995 or the Referendums Act 1983; and
  2. The primary purpose of the advertisement is for political communication in relation to the election, referendum or poll; and
  3. The advertisement is not erected or installed until the writ or writs have been issued or, for an election, referendum or poll under the Local Government Act 1995, until the 36th day before the day on which the election, referendum or poll is to be held; and
  4. The advertisement is removed no later than 48 hours after the election, referendum or poll is conducted; and
  5. The advertisement is not erected or installed within 1.5m of any part of a crossover or street truncation.


What conditions do I need to meet when installing election signage on Private Property?

Signage on private property is exempt from requiring Development Approval, providing, the applicant is compliant with the Town’s Local Planning Policy 38 – Signs, Table 1 – Election Signs.

You will need the consent of the owner/occupier if you wish to place election signage on their private land.

Note: In the interest of public safety, the applicant may be requested to provide evidence they have either Main Roads or the Property Owners approval in writing. In the event evidence cannot be provided, the Town may remove or impound the sign or issue you with an infringement.

What conditions do I need to meet when installing election signage on thoroughfares and road reserves?

As outlined in clause 3.4 of our Activities on Thoroughfares and Trading in Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2000, you must have a permit to place any election signs on thoroughfares or verges and the following conditions must be met:

3.4 Conditions on Permit for election sign

  1. If the local government approves an application for a permit for the erection or placement of an election sign on a thoroughfare under this Division, the application is to be taken to be approved subject to the sign is:

    a. being erected at least 30m from any intersection;

    b. being free standing and not being affixed to any existing sign, post, power or light pole, or similar structure;

    c. being placed to the satisfaction of the local government so as not to obstruct or impede the reasonable use of a thoroughfare or access to a place by any person;

    d. being placed to the satisfaction of the local government so as not to obstruct or impede the vision of a driver of a vehicle entering or leaving a thoroughfare or crossing;

    e. being maintained in good condition to the satisfaction of the local government;

    f. not being erected until the election to which it relates has been officially declared;

    g. being removed within 48 hours of the close of polls on polling day;

    h. not being placed within 100m of any works on the thoroughfare;

    i. being securely installed, to the satisfaction of the local government;

    j. not being an illuminated sign;

    k. not incorporating reflective or fluorescent materials, in the opinion of the local government; and

    l. not displaying only part of a message which is to be read with other separate signs in order to obtain the whole message, in the opinion of the local government.

  2. The permit holder of a permit for the erection or placement of an election sign shall comply with each of the conditions in subclause (1) in addition to any other conditions imposed on the permit by the local government.

Note: It is an offence to place election signs on thoroughfares or verges without a permit, and if you do, we may remove or impound the sign or issue you with an infringement. Impounding of signage may result in the applicant requiring paying a $50.00 impound fee, prior to collection.

What information do I need to provide for an Election Signage Permit?

Applications are on a ‘per event’ basis and each election is to have a separate application. The applicant is required to provide the following information to the Town for consideration.

  • The name, address and contact number of the person responsible for making the application and erecting the signs subject of the permit
  • The date of the election or referenda the sign relates to
  • The number of signs to be installed and which suburb(s)
  • Details of the message to be displayed on the signs
  • Consent that the applicant will agree to the application terms
  • Any other information that may be required by the Town at the time the permit application is submitted or at a subsequent time.

What conditions do I need to meet when installing election signage on State road reserves?

If you wish to place signage on a State road reserve, you will need to seek approval from Main Roads. See Policy and Application Guidelines for Advertising Signs for more information. The Town cannot issue permits for election signage on State road reserves.

What happens with signage that poses health or safety risks?

In the interests of public safety, the Town may remove and impound election signage if it poses a health or safety risk to the community.  

The applicant will be informed in the event Town officers determine that in the interests of public safety the signage has been removed and impounded. The applicant will need to arrange a suitable time to collect the signage.

Looking to install election signage?

Before applying for a permit via the form below, please ensure you read through the applicant checklist.


  • Have you read and understand clause 3.4 of Activities on Thoroughfares and Trading in Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2000?
  • Have you read and understood the Main Roads requirements and received approvals where required?
  • Have read and understood the requirements for placing signage on private property, as per the Town’s Local Planning Policy 38?
  • Have you attached a mock-up of the signage?
  • Do you have current public liability insurance?
  • Have you attached a Certificate of Currency for the insurance?
  • Have you submitted your application and paid the applicable fee via the Town’s Customer Relations? Note: The current fee for each sign application, specified in the Fees and Charges Schedule 2023-2024 is $45.00.

Privacy Statement: Personal information collected by Council is used for municipal purposes as specified in the Local Government Act 1995 or other relevant legislation. The personal information will be used solely by Council for these purposes and/or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to other organisations, if required by legislation. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the above purpose and that he/she/they may apply to Council for access to and/or amendment of the information. Requests for access and/or correction should be made to Council’s Information Management Coordinator.

I hereby apply for a licence to erect election signage in specified areas of a thoroughfare or Town land, subject to Town of Victoria Park Activities on Thoroughfares and Trading in Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2000.


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