FOGO is coming in 2025

FOGO stands for ‘Food Organics, Garden Organics’. The 3-bin FOGO system–consisting of a 240L lime-green lidded bin (collected weekly) and a 120L red general waste bin (collected fortnightly)–commenced roll out in the Perth Metropolitan area in 2019. The WA State Government is encouraging the introduction of this best practice 3-bin system throughout all local governments in the Perth and Peel regions by 2025 - and the Town of Victoria Park is no exception!

The FOGO system provides residents with more options for separating their waste with the aim to improve recovery rates, increase diversion from landfill and reduce costs of processing material. Organic waste diverted from landfill means less production of harmful greenhouse gas methane.

Check the FAQs below to find out more, or visit the RecycleRight page.

What is FOGO?

FOGO stands for ‘Food Organics, Garden Organics’. It's a 3-bin system which includes a green-lidded bin for all your food and garden waste. Food and garden organic waste in the FOGO bin is collected weekly by waste trucks, pre-processed to remove contamination and then made into high-quality compost

When is the Town of Vic Park changing to the FOGO system?

The Town will switch to FOGO collections at the beginning of the 2025-2026 financial year.

Why is the Town changing to the FOGO system?

The Town is adopting the FOGO system in alignment with State Government's Waste Avoidance and Recovery Strategy 2030. The aim of switching to FOGO is to improve recovery rates, increase diversion from landfill and reduce costs of processing material. Organic waste diverted from landfill means less production of harmful greenhouse gas methane.

What do I have to do?

If you already have a GO bin, you don't have to do anything! Your green-lidded GO bin will become a FOGO bin! If you don't have a GO bin, the Town will deliver a green-lidded FOGO bin to you once the changeover commences.

What goes in the FOGO bin?

The main rule is: if it didn’t live or grow, it’s not FOGO. Only food, garden waste, paper products and council supplied compostable liners go into your FOGO bin!

Here are some things you can put in FOGO:
  • Bread & dairy products
  • Fruit & vegetables
  • Meat, bones & seafood
  • Prunings & leaves
  • Dog poo, paper towel, serviettes & tissues. (These materials are currently accepted in kerbside FOGO collections. This may change in future as they are not considered priority FOGO-feedstock materials.)

How often will each of my three bins be collected?

Your green-lidded FOGO bin will be collected weekly. Your red-lidded general waste bin and yellow-lidded recycling bin will be collected fortnightly, on alternating weeks. This does mean that your general waste bin is being collected half as often, but the amount of waste going into it is significantly reduced due to the fact that organic matter goes into the FOGO bin. These collection cycles are in line with other local government areas around Perth, where they have been very successful.


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