
the Integrated Transport Working Group will provide recommendations Council to support the implementation of the Town’s Integrated Transport Strategy.

Best practice approaches to preparing and implementing an integrated transport plan highlight the importance of community involvement in identifying, understanding, and resolving local transport issues.

The group comprises:

  • Up to three Elected Members
  • Up to nine community representatives, and
  • A number of Town officers to be determined

Terms of reference

As a new addition to the Town's working groups, the terms of reference and meeting schedule are to be determined. This will be the group's first priority following member recruitment.

It is anticipated that the group will meet on a regular basis throughout the year, with each meeting being held for 1-2 hours. 

Expressions of interest – join the working group

Expressions of interest are invited from interested people to fill the community representative positions.

To submit your nomination, complete the EOI form below or contact the Town on 9311 8111 or admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au

Expressions of interest are open until Wednesday 11 September 2024.

Submit your EOI to join the Town's Integrated Transport Working Group.

Are you a Town of Victoria Park resident?*

Are you a Town of Victoria Park ratepayer?*

It is anticipated that the working group will meet regularly throughout the year, likely on a monthly to quarterly basis, with each meeting being held for approximately 1-2 hours. Can you commit to these requirements?*

Assessment criteria:

  1. Resident or ratepayer of the Town of Victoria Park; 
  2. A passion for integrated transport in the Town of Victoria Park; 
  3. Commitment to the time and effort required in joining the group; 
  4. Experience in working in a collaborative manner; 
  5. Capacity to act as an Integrated Transport ambassador; and either:
  6. Relevant qualification or knowledge in Integrated Transport, or lived experience of being an active transport user; or
  7. Experience working in a community group or on projects of community benefit.

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