Significant tree register

The National Trust (WA) and The Tree Society initiated the Register of Significant Trees in the early 1990s, aiming to preserve specimens and raise public awareness about the value of trees. 

What makes a significant tree special?

Trees on the register are assessed based on specific criteria, such as aesthetic value, old age, rare species, commemorative value, and associations with public figures or cultural heritage.

How can I nominate a tree for the list?

To nominate a tree, please complete the Town's significant tree register nomination form below.

What happens after a nomination is put forward?

Parks staff assess and evaluate the nominated trees, assigning a rating from one to five based on their retention value. The most suitable rating is determined by considering the tree's worth and estimated remaining life.

Where can I see the list of significant trees?

To view the Town's significant trees click on the button below. 

View the Town's significant trees

Significant tree nomination form

Name of Tree/s

Location of tree/s

The tree is on

If not on your property, have you advised the landowner of this nomination? (Private property trees will not be considered without the owner permission)*

Tree specifications

Is it a single tree or group of trees

Criteria under which you are nominating tree/s

Trees on the significant tree register have been assessed using specific criteria for their significance, as opposed to some trees being called significant just by their presence. For a tree/s to be considered significant they must fulfil one or more of the following criteria. 

Please tick which you think apply*

Comments in support of nomination

Uploading documents

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