Customer Service Charter

Service commitments

Prompt attention

We will respond to your query in a timely manner and keep you updated on progress.

Helpful attitude

We will be polite, courteous and professional and treat you with respect, without personal bias.

Careful listening

We will seek to understand your needs before we take action

Problem resolution

We will take responsibility to address your needs and be accountable for an appropriate outcome.

Demonstrating appreciation

We will show gratitude when your needs are brought to our attention and actively seek feedback on your experience. 

Service standards 

  • We will keep our website and social media profiles up to date.
  • We will respond to questions asked on our social media channels within 24 hours during business hours. We will respond to urgent matters where possible after hours.
  • We will keep up to date with best practice online service.
  • Our engagement findings will be posted online.
  • We will provide helpful and relevant information through all online channels.
  • We will respond in a clear, concise manner using plain english.
  • We will respond to correspondence within seven working days (unless advised differently) and keep you informed of the progress of your enquiry if any delays occur.
  • We will confirm receipt of emails sent to the Town’s mailbox immediately and within 72 hours from the officer or department responsible for your query.
  • We will use the most suitable method of contact for a response, to ensure prompt service.
  • We will answer your call courteously, professionally and identify ourselves by name.
  • We will inform an appropriate officer when we are transferring your call so that you don't have to explain your query multiple times.
  • We will endeavour to answer the telephone within three rings.
  • We will inform you of any delays and offer to call you back.
  • If you request a call back we will contact you within 24 hours.
  • We will be professional, welcoming and attend to you as quickly as possible.
  • We will be easily identifiable and wear a name badge so that you know who you are speaking to.
  • We will be considerate of your privacy and confidentiality.
  • We will provide you with information about what is happening within the Town and offer relevant available services to you.

How you can help us

Provide us with accurate, complete information and documents.

Inform us promptly of any change of address, or name change.

Provide us with feedback and comments so that we can improve the quality of our services.

Understand that if a Town officer feels threatened, or are the subject of abusive language or behaviour, that they may stop the interaction immediately.

Contact us ahead of time to make an appointment if your enquiry is lengthy or complex.

Participate in community consultation projects.

Access and inclusion

Some customers may require assistance accessing information and services. If you need an interpreter over the phone, you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 and ask to be put through to the Town of Victoria Park.

For customers who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a communication disability, you can call 133 677 (National Relay Service) and ask to be connected to the Town of Victoria Park or visit 


We value constructive feedback to help improve our service.

You can provide feedback:

Online By completing the Contact form here.
In person Customer Service Administration Centre, 99 Shepperton Road Victoria Park, Western Australia 6100
Mail Locked Bag 437 Victoria Park, Western Australia 6979
Phone 9311 8111
National Relay Service 133 677

Related information

Customer Service Charter - PDF

Policy 104 - Managing complaints and customer behaviour

Responsibilities, rights and roles

Compliments and Complaints

Social Media Community Guidelines

If you've encountered a problem with the website or have any general feedback, please provide comment via this form.

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