Blender bike hire

Planning to host an event or fundraiser?
Why not hire our blender bike as a healthy and fun way to make delicious pedal-powered smoothies as part of your event. It is available for hire at a low cost to schools, sporting clubs, community groups, residents and local businesses from the Town of Victoria Park.
Collection and drop-off of the blender bike is from the Leisurelife Centre, 34 Kent Street, East Victoria Park 6101.
Cost (per 24 hours)
- School, sporting club, community group or local resident - $20
- Small business - $40
- Corporate - $80
To allow us enough time to process your booking, please allow a minimum lead time of 2 weeks before your event.
Complete the online application form or download it and send the completed form to
Blender bike hire application form
Healthy eating, recipes, cooking support and more:
- Crunch & Sip - a primary school program, developed to increase the amount of vegetables, fruits, and water being consumed by Western Australian Children.
- LiveLighter - a public health education campaign, aiming to help people eat well, be physically active, and avoid excess weight gain.
- Foodbank WA - supports Western Australians by providing access to good quality food through food relief.
Drugs and alcohol support:
In an emergency call 000 or visit your local emergency department.
- ​Call a helpline to provide you with immediate access to support and advice that is confidential, free and anonymous.
- Use the Victoria Park Community Directory to help you find the right support for you.
- Call Here For You support line to help your own or someone else’s mental health, alcohol and or other drug related challenges.
- Seek support online via live chat and online forums for access to counselling or advice straight from your computer/phone in real time.
Alcohol and your health
Alcohol is the most widely used drug in Australia. It is a major cause of preventable injury, accidents, disease and death.
Harms from alcohol not only impact the individual, but families, friends, and the wider community.
What we know about our community
33.6% of males drink more than 2 standard drinks on any one day
Town of Victoria Park residents drink on average, more than the State average (2022)
Tools to learn about drinking
Alcohol Think Again have various digital tools to help you learn about standard drinks, assess your current drinking, and explore short- and long-term effects of alcohol on your health.