Online applications
Please complete the permit application below by selecting the appropriate permit type: "Residential" or "Transitional."
Does my house comply with R-codes?
The R-Codes require dwellings to provide on-site car parking. In some instances, old dwellings were built without car parking on site. As a base, dwellings with more than one bedroom require two-car parking bays. This can be reduced where:
- The dwelling has a single bedroom.
- The dwelling is located within 800m of a train station.
- The dwelling is located within 250m of a high-frequency bus route.
- The dwelling is approved as an aged persons’ dwelling.
- The dwelling is an ancillary dwelling (granny flat).
I am a resident with no parking within my property and there are now new parking restrictions near my house. Am I eligible for a residential parking permit?
Yes, you may be eligible for a maximum of one residential parking permit.
I am a resident with less than two parking spaces on my property and there have been recent changes in parking restrictions, Am I eligible for a parking permit?
Yes, you may be eligible for a maximum of three transitional parking permits.