Stage 4 (in progress): Planning Framework
The focus of the Planning Framework is to work with Vic Park Bowls and Basketball Clubs, Community Services and Activity Centres at the Macmillan Precinct to develop a combined community hub design.
Consultation with the local Bowls and Basketball clubs and representatives from the Vic Park Arts Centre, Library, Leisurelife, Sussex St Law Centre and Childcare Centre will be crucial to the success of this stage.
The Town is working with consultant, RobertsDay, to conduct a series of engagements, which will include:
- Stakeholder Focus Groups: to explore and understand critical needs with the Vic Park Bowls, Basketball Clubs and Community Centre.
- Written Feedback: review and comment on Design Brief, open to all identified stakeholders.
- Design Exploration Workshop: workshop to conduct design options feedback and analysis review.
- Targeted Sessions: with Vic Park Bowls and Basketball Clubs’ representatives.
- Draft Visual Design: issued for comment and feedback, which will be used to also inform the Macmillan Precinct Masterplan.
Planning Framework and Albany Highway Structure Plans
The Masterplan is being delivered concurrently with Stage 4. The Planning Framework is the planning mechanism which will allow the Town to implement the Macmillan Precinct.
While being run concurrently, this stage of the project is being delivered as part of the overall Albany Highway Precinct Structure Plans.