Sports Grants

Applications are now closed 

Get in touch with your Grants Officer first to pitch your idea!

Maximum funding value: $10,000

If you're a first-time applicant, or unsure if your project is eligible, drop-in sessions are available during Grant Rounds at the Town's admin building — no appointments necessary.

The aims of the Town's sports grant are to: 

  • complement and achieve the Town of Victoria Park's strategic objectives 
  • provide financial assistance to local community and recreation and sporting clubs for projects, initiatives that benefit the development of sport and recreation to residents of the Town. 
  • strengthen local community capacity and cohesion through capitalising on the strengths and abilities of the community to effectively identify its own needs and to plan, develop and implement innovative solutions 
  • facilitate a fair, transparent and equitable distribution of community resources and programs through the Town 
  • increase participation and accessibility to a range of quality and innovative programs and activities for the residents of the Town.  

The applicant must be a club in the Town of Victoria Park, incorporated and affiliated with a State Sporting Association. 

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Successful Sport grants recipients for 2023/24 (Round One)

Organisation Amount Project
Perth Basketball Association  $1,360.00 Basketball Careers program 
Perth Cricket Club  $8,000.00 Girls Cricket Skill Development Program
West Australian Marathon Club  $2,000.00 Women's Classic Training Program
Carlisle and Victoria Park AFW Ducks Club  $4,830.00 Specialised Program for injury prevention and football development 

Sports Equipment Grants 

Applications open 29 April 2024 

Please get in touch with your Grants Officer first to pitch your idea!

Maximum funding value: $2,000

If you're a first-time applicant, or unsure if your project is eligible, drop-in sessions are available on the following days at the Town's admin building — no appointments necessary:

  • Tuesday 7 May, 3-5pm
  • Monday 13 May, 10-11am
  • Wednesday 15 May, 3-4pm
  • Monday 20 May, 3-5pm
  • Thursday 23 May, 3-5pm
  • Monday 27 May, 3-5pm
  • Thursday 30 May, 3-5pm

The Sport Equipment grant provides financial assistance to local community and recreation sporting clubs for equipment that benefit the development of sport and recreation to the residents of the Town of Victoria Park. 

Please note: Financial contribution of up to 25% (capped at $2,000) of new sport equipment (bats, balls, uniforms, and goals etc) and operational equipment, electrical equipment, PPE, volunteer shirts etc).  You need to spend $8,000 to get the $2,000. 

The applicant must be a club in the Town of Victoria Park, incorporated and affiliated with a State Sporting Association. 

Apply Now

Successful Sport equipment grant recipients for 2023/24 (Round One)

Organisation Amount Project
Curtin Victoria Park Cricket Club  $2,000.00 CVPCC Equipment Costs 2023/24
Perth Cricket Club  $2,000.00 Cricket Ball Fees - 2023-24
Swordfish Fencing Club  $1,500.00 Scoring Systems for Growth
Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club  $1,072.50 Replacement of team playing shirts with Indigenous playing shirts 
West Australian Marathon Club  $1,447.50  LED Race Clock Update 
Victoria Park Junior Football Club  $1,135.50  New footballs 

Policy 114 Community Funding

Grant Application Tips


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