Compliments and complaints

We're always open to hearing good and bad feedback, but everyone loves a compliment!

Got feedback about a situation where you were provided excellent customer service? Let us know by completing the form below. 

Alternatively, if you would like to make a formal complaint, we define this as: 

  • unmet standard or timeliness of service delivery;
  • inappropriate behaviour of employees, contractors or councillors of the Town; and
  • non-compliance with practices, policies and procedures of the Town.

Please note: For METRONET-related complaints or enquiries, please contact METRONET on (08) 9326 3666 or

How to make a formal complaint?

A formal complaint is required in writing in order to go through the Town's formal process.

You can submit a formal complaint in the following ways:

  • Online by completing the online form below.
  • Write us a letter and post it to Locked Bag 437, Victoria Park, Western Australia 6100.
  • Email your complaint to
  • Complete the feedback tear off page on the Customer Service Charter brochure at our reception areas. 

What do you need to lodge a formal complaint?

The following information should be supplied in order to effectively process the complaint:

  • Name and address.
  • Contact details.
  • Description concerning the feedback.
  • Evidence to support the issues raised.
  • Dates, times and location of key events.
  • Photos if relevant.
  • A statement of what the customer hopes to achieve by providing feedback.

What can I expect?

Receive confirmation of the complaint from the Towns officer who is investigation.

Completion of a thorough investigation into the matter(s) raised.

A written response to the complaint.

What are the timeframes?

In line with our Customer Service Charter standards, written correspondence has a response timeframe of 7 working days (or where otherwise advised) from the Town’s officer acknowledgement. 

Can I make an anonymous formal complaint?

We will investigate anonymous complaints to the best of our ability but may have limitations in providing a resolution, so we ask that you please leave your contact details.

What if I am not satisfied with the outcome or process followed?

There will be the opportunity to write and request a review of the outcome. This needs to be completed within 21 days of our written response. Your request should outline all the grounds for your review.


Complete the form below to submit your feedback. 

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Related information

Customer Service Charter - PDF

Policy 104 - Managing complaints and customer behaviour

Responsibilities, rights and roles


If you've encountered a problem with the website or have any general feedback, please provide comment via this form.

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