Online Form - STPP Permit Event Notification

After receiving your initial Simplified Trading Partnership Permit simply notify the subsequent local governments (Victoria Park, Gosnells and Canning) online if you plan to trade at an approved event within their boundaries. After notifying them, you will receive your subsequent permit(s) free of charge for the specified period.

If you already hold a STPP and are looking to trade in a subsequent event you can notify for the Town of Victoria Park using the form below, and at the City of Canning and City of Gosnells websites.

STPP Event Notification

Please note: All forms, supporting documentation and payments should be submitted at least seven days prior to the required approval date. Information on this application will be shared between local governments participating in the Simplified Trading Permit initiative.

Applicant Declaration

In making this application, I agree that I will not commence the handling, sale or production of any food from the premises until such time that my permit has been approved and included all relevant supporting documentation and any other information or documentation requested by the local government officers. I further declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct in every particular.*

All forms, supporting documentation and payments should be submitted at least seven days prior to the required approval date. Information on this application will be shared between local governments participating in the Simplified Trading Permit initiative.

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