5.2024.157.1 - 16 Colombo Street, Victoria Park (Closed)

The Town has received a development application for a Single House at the above-mentioned property.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – Community Consultation on Planning Proposals, you are invited to comment on the following:


  • Primary Street Setback – Council’s Local Planning Policy – Streetscape requires a minimum street setback of 3 metres from Colombo Street with an average setback of not less than 6 metres. The application proposes a setback to Colombo Street of 5.8 metres minimum and 5.69 metres average.


  • Boundary Wall located in the primary street setback area – A boundary wall to the northeastern lot boundary is proposed within the 6m primary street setback area (setback 5.8m in lieu of 6m). The Residential Design Codes permits a boundary wall only when outside the street setback area.


Clause 1 – Setback of Buildings Generally 

Planning document 

Council’s Local Planning Policy - Streetscape 

Design element 

Clause 1 – Setback of Buildings Generally 

Relevant design principle(s) 

P1. Buildings set back an appropriate distance to ensure they: 

·         contribute to the desired streetscape; 

·         provide adequate privacy for open space for dwellings; 

·         allow safety clearances for easements for essential service corridors; 

·         are consistent with the rhythm and scale of development in the street; 

·         promote the creation of new streetscape environments through the use of existing rights-of-ways; and  

·         protect residential amenity from disturbance from non-residential development abutting a right-of-way and provide safety of residential development add surveillance of the right-of-way. 

5.1.3 Lot boundary setbacks (Boundary Walls)

Planning document 

Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) Volume 1 

Design element 


Relevant design principle(s) 

P3.2 Buildings built up to boundaries (other than the street boundary) where this:

•         makes more effective use of space for enhanced privacy for the occupant/s or outdoor living areas;

•         does not compromise the design principle contained in clause

•         does not have any adverse impact on the amenity of the adjoining property;

•         ensures sunlight to major openings to habitable rooms and outdoor living areas for adjoining properties is not restricted; and

•         positively contributes to the prevailing or future development context and streetscape as outlined in the local planning framework.

Jonathan van Butzelaar

Name: Jonathan van Butzelaar

Job Title: Planning Officer

Phone: (08) 9311 8111

Email: admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au


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