5.2023.418.1 - 184A Shepperton Road, East Victoria Park (Closed)

The Town has received a development application for a Change of Use from an existing Educational Establishment (Medical Training Facility) to a Child Care Premises and Additions/Alterations at the abovementioned property, comprising:

  • A change of use to a child care premises, with:
    • a maximum of 82 children services by 15 staff members,
    • operating hours between 6.30am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday.
  • Internal fit-out works.
  • External additions/alterations including:
    • conversion of outdoor areas around the existing building to outdoor play spaces,
    • a minor extension to the north-eastern portion of the building,
    • modifications to several external walls to remove or install windows and doors, and
    • installation of street walls/fences along Shepperton Road, Miller Street and Butler Lane.


In accordance with the Town’s Local Planning Policy 37 – Community Consultation on Planning Proposals, you are invited to comment on the following:

  •  Proposed Use - A Child Care Premises is classified as an “AA” (discretionary) land use within the Residential zone under Town Planning Scheme No. 1.  This means that prior to making a decision on the application, the Town is required to advertise the proposal and consider relevant matters; such as the provision of adequate parking, the potential impact on the amenity of any likely affected adjoining properties, and comments from owners/occupiers of likely affected properties.
  •  Lot boundary setback – External alterations include the installation of a glass sliding door ('major opening') in the south-eastern façade, which is setback 1.0m from the south-eastern lot boundary in lieu of the minimum required 1.5m for walls with major openings. 


Please note that the decision-maker will take into account the comments received, however, they are not obliged to support these views. The development proposal will be considered based on the merits of the case, with regard to the relevant planning/design principles and any comments received from nearby affected landowner(s) and occupier(s).

Contact Details

Name: Kelly Vilkson

Job Title: Acting Coordinator Urban Planning

Phone: 0893118111

Email: admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au


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