5.2023.493.1 - 69 Bow River Crescent BURSWOOD (Closed)

The Town has received a development application for Single House at the above-mentioned property. The proposed dwelling is three storeys in height, with vehicle access from Bow River Crescent.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – Community Consultation on Planning Proposals, you are invited to comment on the following:

  1. Street setback (Victoria Park Dr) – The proposed ground level is setback 0.2m to Victoria Park Drive in lieu of a minimum 1.5m, as identified at provision 6 of The Peninsula, Burswood - Local Development Plan No.1.
  2. Garage setback (Bow River Crescent) – A portion of the proposed garage is setback 1.2m in lieu of a minimum 1.5m, as identified at provision 8 of The Peninsula, Burswood - Local Development Plan No.1.
  3. Boundary wall
    1. The proposed boundary wall adjoining Lot 172, No. 67 Bow River Crescent has a maximum wall height of 10.6m and length of 14.7m. The Residential Design Codes permits a maximum wall height of 7m above natural ground level and a maximum length of 14m.
    2. The proposed boundary wall adjoining Lot 174, No. 71 Bow River Crescent has a maximum wall height of 10m and length of 19.6m. The Residential Design Codes permits a maximum wall height of 7m above natural ground level and a maximum length of 14m.

Please note that the abovementioned matters will be considered on the merits of the case, and with regard to the relevant design principles of the Residential Design Codes and any comments received from adjoining landowners and occupiers.

The relevant design principles that the proposal will be assessed against are as listed below:

 Street setback

Planning document 

Council’s Local Planning Policy - Streetscape 

Design element 

Clause 1 – Setback of Buildings Generally 

Relevant design principle(s) 

P1. Buildings set back an appropriate distance to ensure they: 

  • contribute to the desired streetscape; 
  • provide adequate privacy for open space for dwellings; 
  • allow safety clearances for easements for essential service corridors; 
  • are consistent with the rhythm and scale of development in the street; 
  • promote the creation of new streetscape environments through the use of existing rights-of-ways; and  
  • protect residential amenity from disturbance from non-residential development abutting a right-of-way and provide safety of residential development add surveillance of the right-of-way. 

Garage setback

Planning document 

Council’s Local Planning Policy - Streetscape 

Design element 

Clause 2 – Setback of Garages and Carports 

Relevant design principle(s) 

P1. The setting back of carports and garages so as not to detract from the streetscape or appearance of dwellings, or obstruct views of the dwelling from the street and vice versa. 

P2. Garages which do not dominate the visual appearance of the lot having regard to the width of the lot and building frontage, the location of the upper floor relative to the garage, and the general design merit. 

Boundary walls

Planning document 

Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) Volume 1 

Design element 

3.4 Lot boundary setbacks 

Relevant design principle(s) 

P3.4.1 Lot boundary setbacks reinforce the location’s streetscape character and are consistent with the existing or desired built form local character.  

P3.4.2 The setback of development from lot boundaries provides a transition between sites with different land uses or intensity of development.  

P3.4.3 Buildings are set back from lot boundaries or adjacent buildings on the same lot to:  

i. provide adequate solar access and natural ventilation to the building and open spaces on the site and adjoining properties; and  

ii address the potential for overlooking and resultant loss of privacy on adjoining properties. 

P3.4.4 Buildings are built up to lot boundaries where this:  

i. makes more effective use of space for primary garden areas and/or private open space; 

ii.maintains adequate solar access to major openings and private open space of adjoining properties; and  

iii. contributes positively to the prevailing or future development context and streetscape as outlined in the local planning framework. 

Contact Details

Name: Laura Sabitzer

Job Title: Coordinator Urban Planning

Phone: (08) 9311 8111

Email: admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au


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