5.2024.129.1 - 246F Rutland Avenue, Carlisle (Closed)

The Town has received a development application for Patio Addition to a Grouped Dwelling at the above-mentioned property.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – Community Consultation on Planning Proposals, you are invited to comment on the following:


  • Boundary Setbacks – The Residential Design Codes prescribes the minimum setback distance of buildings from boundaries other than the street. The application proposes variations to the setback of the following walls:
    • Patio located to the northeast of the subject lot has been setback 0.3m in lieu of 1m to northeast lot boundary.

Please note that the above mentioned matters will be considered based on the merits of the case, and with regard to the relevant design principles and any comments received from nearby affected landowner(s) and occupier(s).

The relevant design principles that the proposal will be assessed against are as listed below: 


3.4 Lot boundary setbacks

Planning document

Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) Volume 1

Design element

3.4 Lot boundary setbacks

Relevant design principle(s)

P3.4.1 Lot boundary setbacks reinforce the location’s streetscape character and are consistent with the existing or desired built form local character.


P3.4.2 The setback of development from lot boundaries provides a transition between sites with different land uses or intensity of development.


P3.4.3 Buildings are set back from lot boundaries or adjacent buildings on the same lot to:

i.              provide adequate solar access and natural ventilation to the building and open spaces on the site and adjoining properties; and

ii.             address the potential for overlooking and resultant loss of privacy on adjoining properties.


Jonathan van Butzelaar

Name: Jonathan van Butzelaar

Job Title: Planning Officer

Phone: (08) 9311 8111

Email: admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au


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