5.2024.81.1 - No. 69A Camberwell Street, East Victoria Park (Closed)

The Town has received a development application for Single House at the above-mentioned property.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – Community Consultation on Planning Proposals, you are invited to comment on the following:

  • Visual Privacy – The Residential Design Codes prescribes minimum setback distances for unscreened major openings from boundaries in order to achieve a reasonable level of privacy. The application proposes variations as follows:
    • The alfresco/outdoor living area (an active habitable space, with a floor ~0.77 metres above the natural ground level) proposed should generally either be screened to a minimum height of 1.6m above the finished floor level or be setback 7.5 metres to the adjacent property boundaries. In lieu of this, the raised habitable space is proposed to be located with setbacks to adjacent property boundaries varying between 2.4 metres to 5.5 metres.

The relevant design principles that the proposal will be assessed against are as listed below:  


5.4.1 Visual privacy    

Planning document  

Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) Volume 1 

Design element  

C1.1 & C1.2  

Relevant design principle(s)  

P1.1 Minimal direct overlooking of active habitable spaces and outdoor living areas of adjacent dwellings achieved through:  

  • building layout and location;  
  • design of major openings;  
  • landscape screening of outdoor active habitable spaces; and/or  
  • location of screening devices.  


P1.2 Maximum visual privacy to side and rear boundaries through measures such as:  

  • offsetting the location of ground and first floor windows so that viewing is oblique rather than direct;  
  • building to the boundary where appropriate;  
  • setting back the first floor from the side boundary;  
  • providing higher or opaque and fixed windows; and/or  
  • screen devices (including landscaping, fencing, obscure glazing, timber screens, external blinds, window hoods and shutters) 
Contact Details

Name: Sturt McDonald

Job Title: Senior Planning Officer

Phone: 93118111

Email: smcdonald@vicpark.wa.gov.au


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