5.2023.214.1 - 60A Beatty Avenue, East Victoria Park (Closed)


The Town has received a development application for a Second Storey Addition to a Grouped Dwelling at the above-mentioned property.

 In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – “Community Consultation on Planning Proposals”, you are invited to comment on the following:


  • Boundary Setbacks – The Residential Design Codes prescribes the minimum setback distance of buildings from boundaries other than the street. The application proposes variations to the setback of the following walls:
    • Upper Floor wall to Family Room/Bedroom 3 – 0.75 metres required; 0.6 metres proposed to north-western boundary (0.6 metres to common property).
  • Visual Privacy – The Residential Design Codes prescribes minimum setback distances for unscreened major openings from boundaries in order to achieve a reasonable level of privacy. The application proposes variations as follows:
    • Windows to bedrooms 3 & 4 to north-western boundary – 4.5 metres required; 4 metres proposed.
Contact Details

Name: Sturt McDonald

Job Title: Senior Planning Officer

Phone: 9311 8111

Email: smcdonald@vicpark.wa.gov.au


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