5.2023.413.1 - 32 Oswald Street, Victoria Park (Closed)

The Town has received an application to amend the development approval granted by the Town of Victoria Park Council on 20 July 2021, to include an additional car park in the approval and increase the approved maximum student capacity of the school from 150 to 250 students.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – Community Consultation on Planning Proposals, you are invited to comment on the following:

  • Car Parking - Based upon the parking ratios prescribed in the Town’s Local Planning Policy 23 ‘Parking’, the proposed increase in student numbers outlined above requires the provision of additional car bays on-site. 12 new bays are proposed which results in a parking shortfall of 13 bays across the site (ie. total of 53 bays required; 40 bays provided).

The applicant for the proposal intends to expand the school’s private bus service and construct an internal one-way road connecting Oswald and Colombo Streets incorporating a  new ‘kiss and drive’ parking area. The ‘kiss and drive’ parking area will increase the number of car bays on the school grounds from 28 to 40. The one-way road also has enough space for another 8 cars to quickly stop and drop off or pick up students if all ‘kiss and drive’ bays are taken.

In support of the above the applicant has provided a transport impact assessment, acoustic assessment, car parking justification summary and planning report on the proposal.

Contact Details

Name: Jonathan van Butzelaar

Job Title: A/ Senior Planning Officer

Phone: (08) 9311 8111

Email: admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au


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