5.2024.55.1 - 869 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park

The Town has received a development application to change the use of the existing residential dwelling at the rear of the property to short term accommodation. The application seeks approval for up to 6 guests at a given time.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – Community Consultation on Planning Proposals, you are invited to comment on the following:

  • Proposed Use - A ‘Residential Building (Short Term Accommodation)’ is classified as an “AA” (discretionary use) within the residential zone under Town Planning Scheme No. 1.
  • Car Parking - The proposed Residential Building (Short Term Accommodation) proposes a shortfall in on-site car parking of 3 bays. While 4 bays are required to be provided to comply, 1 bay is proposed to be allocated on-site.



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Privacy and Personal Information

In making a submission on a development application, you provide Council with personal information. This information will be held by Council to enable us to contact you in the course of consideration of the application and to ensure completeness of our records in relation to the application. Submissions are not confidential. They form part of the development application and may be included in reports to Council/ JDAP, and may be made available for public viewing.

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Contact Details

Name: Laura Sabitzer

Job Title: Coordinator Urban Planning

Phone: 0893118111

Email: admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au


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