Online Form - Community Funding Program Review Survey

The Town of Victoria Park is reviewing the way it distributes funding to community groups and individuals to ensure it is fair, effective, and meets the needs of residents.

Currently the Town offers the following grants - art grant, art season, business grant, community grant, place grant, operating subsidies, sport and sport equipment grants, individual and school welfare donations and urban forest grant. The Town also offers rebates for adopt a verge, security incentive scheme, street meet and greet and CCTV.

The Town is seeking community feedback on its Community Funding Program. The Town encourages feedback from both successful and unsuccessful applicants. We would like to hear what is currently working well with our Community Funding Program, and perhaps more importantly, what can be improved. 

All responses will be collected and only used for improving the Community Funding Program. 

Surveys close on 2 November 2023 at 5pm.

What program did you receive funding for?*
How easy or difficult is it to apply to the Town for funding within the current model?*

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