5.2024.60.1 - 75A Berwick Street, Victoria Park

The Town has received a development application for Single House at the above-mentioned property. In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – Community Consultation on Planning Proposals, you are invited to comment on the following:


  • Parking Shortfall – The Residential Design Codes prescribes a residential development located on a Location B lot is required to provide a minimum of 2 car parking spaces per a 2+ bedroom dwelling and an additional 1 car parking space for an ancillary dwelling.


    • 75A Berwick Street residential development proposes a total of 2 car parking spaces for a dwelling located in Location B with 2+ bedrooms and an additional ancillary dwelling in lieu of 3 car parking spaces under the Residential Design Codes. 75A Berwick Street proposes a total shortfall of 1 car parking space outlined in the above-mentioned provision.

The relevant design principles that the proposal will be assessed against are as listed below: 

5.3.3 Parking 

Planning document  

Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) Volume 1 

Design element  

C3.1, C3.2, C3.3  

Relevant design principle(s)  

P3.1 Adequate car parking is to be provided on site in accordance with projected need related to:  

  • the type, number and size of dwellings;  
  • the availability of on-street and other off-street parking; and  
  • the proximity of the proposed development to public transport and other facilities.  


P3.2 Consideration may be given to a reduction in the minimum number of on-site car parking spaces for grouped and multiple dwellings provided:  

  • available street parking in the vicinity is controlled by the local government; and  
  • the decision-maker is of the opinion that a sufficient equivalent number of on-street spaces are available near the development.  


P3.3 Some or all of the required car parking spaces located off site, provided that these spaces will meet the following:  

  1. the off-site car parking area is sufficiently close to the development and convenient for use by residents and/or visitors;  
  1. ii. any increase in the number of dwellings or possible plot ratio being matched by a corresponding increase in the aggregate number of car parking spaces;  
  1. permanent legal right of access being established for all users and occupiers of dwellings for which the respective car parking space is to be provided; and  
  1. where off-site car parking is shared with other uses, the total aggregate parking requirement for all such uses, as required by the R-Codes and the scheme being provided. The number of required spaces may only be reduced by up to 15 per cent where the non-residential parking occurs substantially between 9am and 5pm on weekdays. 


I am the*

After considering the likely impact this proposal has on your property or suburb, do you*

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In making a submission on a development application, you provide Council with personal information. This information will be held by Council to enable us to contact you in the course of consideration of the application and to ensure completeness of our records in relation to the application. Submissions are not confidential. They form part of the development application and may be included in reports to Council/ JDAP, and may be made available for public viewing.

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Contact Details

Name: Martin Gallagher

Job Title: Planning Officer

Phone: 93118111

Email: mgallagher@vicpark.wa.gov.au


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