5.2024.142.1 - 29 Riverview Road, East Victoria Park

The Town has received a development application for Single House at the above-mentioned property.


In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – Community Consultation on Planning Proposals, you are invited to comment on the following:


  • Maximum Height of Boundary Wall – A boundary wall to the northwestern common boundary with No. 59 Etwell Street with a maximum height of 4.2 metres above natural ground level in lieu of a maximum height of 3.5 metres as permitted under the Residential Design Codes.


  • Fill and Retaining behind Street Setback Line - A retaining wall is proposed to be constructed along the northwestern common boundary with No. 59 Etwell Street. The retaining wall is proposed to have a varying height of between 0.4 metres and 0.57 metres above natural ground level. The Residential Design Codes permit filling and associated retaining walls behind the street setback line and within 1.0 metre of a common boundary up to a maximum height of 500mm above natural ground level.


Please note that the above mentioned matters will be considered based on the merits of the case, and with regard to the relevant design principles and any comments received from nearby affected landowner(s) and occupier(s).

The relevant design principles that the proposal will be assessed against are as listed below: 

5.1.3 Lot boundary setbacks (Boundary Walls)

Planning document 

Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) Volume 1 

Design element 


Relevant design principle(s) 

P3.2 Buildings built up to boundaries (other than the street boundary) where this:

•         makes more effective use of space for enhanced privacy for the occupant/s or outdoor living areas;

•         does not compromise the design principle contained in clause

•         does not have any adverse impact on the amenity of the adjoining property;

•         ensures sunlight to major openings to habitable rooms and outdoor living areas for adjoining properties is not restricted; and

•         positively contributes to the prevailing or future development context and streetscape as outlined in the local planning framework.


5.3.7 Site works

Planning document 

Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) Volume 1 

Design element 

C7.1, C7.2 & C7.3

Relevant design principle(s) 

P7.1 Development that considers and responds to the natural features of the site and requires minimal excavation/fill.


P7.2 Where excavation/fill is necessary, all finished levels respecting the natural ground level at the lot boundary of the site and as viewed from the street.


P7.3 Retaining walls that result in land which can be effectively used for the benefit of residents and do not detrimentally affect adjoining properties and are designed, engineered and landscaped having due regard to clause 5.4.1.


I am the*

After considering the likely impact this proposal has on your property or suburb, do you*

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In making a submission on a development application, you provide Council with personal information. This information will be held by Council to enable us to contact you in the course of consideration of the application and to ensure completeness of our records in relation to the application. Submissions are not confidential. They form part of the development application and may be included in reports to Council/ JDAP, and may be made available for public viewing.

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Contact Details

Name: Sturt McDonald

Job Title: Senior Planning Officer

Phone: 93118111


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