Town Objectives for METRONET

The Town intends to assist the State Government and METRONET to create well-connected and thriving places for people at Oats Street Station, Carlisle Station and Burswood Station for our existing and future community. We believe the below priorities are key to realising this vision.

Great places

Station precincts are great places that provide obvious and lasting community benefits.  

Traditional approaches to large transport infrastructure projects have often focused on efficient movement across the region to the detriment of local places and neighbourhoods surrounding the infrastructure. Taking a place first approach will focus project objectives toward creating great places to live, work and play.

All stations remain

All existing stations in the Town must remain with only minor adjustments to their locations.  

Train stations within inner urban areas are crucial to the future of our city and local community as our population grows. Our ability to meet the needs of future generations should not be sacrificed to improve travel times for those in outer urban areas.

Sustainable access

Station precincts promote and facilitate walking, cycling and public transport as the predominant choices for accessing each station.  

The most convenient, safe and attractive option to access our train stations must be via sustainable modes of transport with walkability being the primary focus. This principle will ensure all station precincts promote the amenity and economic development of our local precincts as well as the health of our community.

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