Fees and charges

The authority to set fees and charges is contained within Section 6.16 (Imposition of fees and charges) and Section 6.17 (Setting the level of fees and charges) of the Local Government Act 1995. Council acknowledges that, in determining the amount of a fee or charge for a service or for goods, consideration has been given to:

  • The cost to the Council of providing the service or goods
  • The importance of the service or the goods to the community
  • The price at which the service or goods could be provided by an alternative supplier.

The recommended fees aim to maintain affordable access to Council facilities and services. Fees and charges may need to increase each year in order to recover the increased cost of doing business - as consideration to those aforementioned points is measured and considered. Further reviews of management practices and the service levels provided by the Town may have an impact on fees and charges in the future.




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