Urban Forest Strategy

Our urban forest is made up of trees and understorey on both private and public property and is becoming increasingly valued across the metropolitan area.

The benefits of an urban forest include improved environmental, economic, community and health outcomes.

In 2016, the Town of Victoria Park had a canopy cover of 10% of land area - one of the lowest in Perth and significantly less than is required for a healthy urban environment.

Community concerns about this trend resulted in the development of the Town’s first Urban Forest Strategy, which aims to better manage trees within the Town on public and private land.

The Strategy was then translated into an Implementation Action Plan 2019 - 2024, which outlines how we will increase the Town’s tree canopy cover to 20%.

The strategy and implementation plan is available to read in full below.

Urban Forest Strategy

Urban Forest Implementation Action Plan

Urban Forest Program

The recommendations of the strategy are delivered through the urban forest program of work, which ensures the Town's objective to increase tree canopy is undertaken in a strategic and piroritised manner, aiming to create a better environment for everyone, by:

  • planting and protecting sufficient trees
  • maximising community involvement and collaboration in its implementation
  • increase tree diversity
  • maintain vegetation health
  • improve soil and water quality
  • improve urban ecology.

To learn about the program, check out the links below.

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