Poultry and birds


The Town's Health Local Law 2003 stipulates the requirements for keeping of poultry which includes fowls, peafowls, turkeys, geese, ducks and other domestic fowls. Residents may keep up to a combined total of 12 poultry (including a maximum of two ducks or geese) and pigeons in a residential area.

Poultry shall be kept in accordance with the following conditions:

  • no poultry may be kept within 15 metres of a dwelling house
  • the yard must have an unobstructed area of at least 30 square metres
  • no poultry may be kept within 18 metres of a street other than a right of way
  • no poultry may be kept within 1.2 metres of any side or rear boundary of the premises
  • poultry are to be housed in a properly constructed and securely fastened structure or enclosure.

Please note that most residential properties are now subdivided into smaller blocks which makes it difficult to comply with the above requirements.

It is highly recommended that the floor of an enclosure is made of concrete with a smooth finish and a fall of 1:50 towards the front.

The enclosure must be maintained and in a clean condition at all times so as to avoid offensive odours and prevent attraction of flies and rodents. Faeces and food waste must be disposed of in such a manner that it will not create a nuisance. Stored food should be kept in sealed containers that are fly and vermin proof and it is advised to implement an adequate fly and rodent control program.


Roosters are prohibited in the Town of Victoria Park as they create a considerable noise nuisance for residents.

Caged birds

The Town does not have any prohibition on keeping caged birds however, they should be housed in a clean and sanitary condition. Cages should be cleaned and disinfected regularly, and bird feed should be housed in sealed containers to prevent attraction of rats and mice. Faeces and other waste shall be removed regularly and placed in a double lined plastic bag and disposed of in the green waste bin.

Caged birds can be noisy, so bear in mind the location of the cage with reference to potential noise nuisance to your neighbours. Noisy caged birds should have their cages covered at night time with a dark but breathable fabric to help keep them quiet (darkness helps them to sleep). It is a good idea to socialise your bird to keep them from being bored, so talking to them regularly, and keeping a few toys in their cage can help refrain them from becoming too noisy.

Should they become a noise nuisance, caged birds can be dealt with under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 and you may be asked to alter the cage or remove the birds.

Report an issue

To report a poultry or bird nuisance issue with a neighbouring property submit a service request here or call 9311 8111 or email admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au. Your request will be allocated to an Environmental Health Officer for follow-up.

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Health Local Law 2023

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