Strategic Planning Studies

The Town’s Local Planning Strategy identifies a number of more complex policy areas that require further investigation over the next 4-5 years including:

Affordable housing

Affordable Housing refers to specifically subsidised housing and not the general affordability of housing in the real estate market.  Affordable rental or owner occupier housing is specifically priced for low-to-moderate income households so they generally pay no more than 30% of household income on housing.  Affordable rentals are usually managed by a community housing provider or other non-profit organisation, and affordable owner-occupier housing is mostly provided through special State Government schemes such as shared equity.

While the local planning framework aims to ensure there is a diversity of housing types to meet diverse housing needs, the provision of affordable housing is not a traditional role of local government.

As such, Action 2.3 of the Local Planning Strategy says the Town will "Investigate local demand for affordable housing, gaps in supply, and potential planning and non-planning strategies to address. Seek further advice from Council regarding the Town’s role in addressing affordable housing." This work is scheduled to commence in 2026-2027.

Further information on the State government’s approach to affordable housing can be found in the WA Housing Strategy 2020-2030.

Stormwater management review

Given changes in climate and rainfall, the Town will review its data and planning for stormwater to improve flood management and environmental outcomes, assess the potential for co-location of open space and drainage areas, update onsite management requirements and identify funding for future public works.

This work is scheduled to commence in 2022-2023.

Development / infrastructure contributions

The need to provide new local infrastructure and upgrade existing infrastructure is identified through the Town’s Informing Strategies, through masterplans for major open space areas and/or facility sites and through detailed planning for Precinct Planning Areas and activity centres.

Service infrastructure (eg. power, water, gas, telecommunications) is generally planned and coordinated by the State Government. However, there are various statutory and non-statutory mechanisms which can be used to fund local infrastructure such as development contributions, negotiated private agreements, open space contributions, community benefits and incentives, special area rates and State government grants etc.

As such, Action 7.2 of the Local Planning Strategy says the Town will "Prepare a Council Policy or Position Statement on infrastructure funding and delivery outlining types of infrastructure required to support growth, how infrastructure needs will be identified, and the range of funding mechanisms that might be used."

In addition, Action 7.5 says the Town will: "Review and/or develop Local Planning Policies that facilitate localised contribution to address specific infrastructure needs and community benefits, including (but not limited to) - Public art; Laneway widening; Cash-in-lieu for car parking; Urban Forest and tree canopy; Public Open Space contributions; and Public realm infrastructure."

This work is scheduled to commence in 2023-2024 / 2024-2025.

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