Construction noise 

Builders and contractors must ensure all constructions site noise complies with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997

Construction noise is exempt (i.e. does not have to comply) with the assigned noise levels in the regulations if the work is conducted between the hours of 7am-7pm Monday to Saturday. 

Construction work is allowed to occur on Sundays or public holidays - as long as it complies with the regulations e.g. is not loud.  Conducting construction work before 9am on Sundays or public holidays would most likely be unreasonable - and therefore is not recommended.  

If you are building or demolishing, and there is a need to work on these days, and you have sufficient justification, you may apply for an exemption to the Chief Executive Officer no later than seven days prior to the proposed works. You must submit a noise management plan and notify all noise sensitive receivers such as residents at least 24 hours prior to work commencing. 

An application form to apply for out of hours construction noise is available to download below. 

Application for Approval of a Noise Management Plan for ‘Out of Hours’ Construction Noise Activities

If you have any queries about what you need to submit, contact the Town's Environmental Health Officer on 9311 8111 or email

All other non-construction activities must comply with the noise regulations at all times, especially before 7am. This includes site radios, deliveries, movement of equipment during set-up and reversing alarms on private property. Reversing of vehicles should be kept to a minimum. Workers should also refrain from swearing and shouting so as to not disturb nearby residents before 7am or after 7pm. 

To report a noise

To report a construction noise issue, submit a service request here.

Related information

Noise regulations fact sheet - Regulation 13 Construction Site

Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997

Environmental Protection Act 1986

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